What to look for on my Web site.
The URL is http://web65.rollins.edu/~jsiry/
you find it difficult to understand the page layout, go here:
For course indexes try:
• Technology: http://web65.rollins.edu/~jsiry/Technohomex.html
• Ecojustice: http://web65.rollins.edu/~jsiry/Eco-Justis_is.html
• Social sciences index: http://web65.rollins.edu/~jsiry/Social_Indices.html
If lost the file names are at: http://web65.rollins.edu/~jsiry/sitemap.html
The home page is |
The best places to start are: |
and, |
Basic information about
assignments is at: http://web65.rollins.edu/~jsiry/assign1.htm
Good research sources are: http://web65.rollins.edu/~jsiry/ResearchRelyon.html
Sample speech (for final exam presentations)
Really good writing is hard so practice.
Vocabulary, I think is crucial to your success, so new terms are organized as:
A level ? Try,
· B level ? Try, http://web65.rollins.edu/~jsiry/VOCAB.html
· C level ? Go to, http://web65.rollins.edu/~jsiry/Vocabase.htm
· Survival level? See, http://web65.rollins.edu/~jsiry/Conceptdefine.html
CORE is the acronym for how every class is prearranged. First, we clarify terms and what the texts mean. Then we organize all the material and connect it to the authors. Next, we reflect on the sub-surface levels about what the substance of the class is. Finally, we examine the arguments for you to make up your own mind about what is so important to put in the final exam, final assignments, or final verbal presentation.
See: http://web65.rollins.edu/~jsiry/ecoinqui.html
Totally confused ? Then go to, http://web65.rollins.edu/~jsiry/CourseCORE.html#details